Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011


Yes okay...

I was log in on twitter
and th was an @message to me.

The @ Message: " @Morizu_Official please give us an interview."

OMG i haven´t understand why, but i have answered the questions.
Hahaha i needed one hour. and it is just in German.
But i try to translate it for you ^^

That´s all

see you

Samstag, 12. Februar 2011


sometimes i think back on the time where my mum was loved me.

But in the moment, my feelings gone. >.< 

Is it right? A mum can hate her daughter? Or is that wrong? I don´t know. 

It is difficult for me. Difficult to accept this answere of her. 

The time can be Endless but the life would be End of minute to minute.

I wasn´t talk about that with other people, because it is a really hard life.

The most people don´t accept it to speak with me, when i have many little fucking 


Nobody listen to me.

Nobody hear me. Nobody hear my scream that i would break up this fucking shit old 

life of me.

I would start again. I would beginn my new life.

But i must say, that many friends lost my  fiendship now.

Sorry but i can´t forget things. Things you saied to me.

It is hard. That´s your fucking "THANKS" to me.

I was always by our side.

I hear up to them. But they haven´t other hobbies, just to speak out my secrets.

Fuck this demons life.

Fuck off your Lies.

I start a new Life.

The Best thing that the most people must know is:


Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Montag, 7. Februar 2011

I can´t belive it

I can´t belive it that in my town is a girl
and has nothing to do, just to tell lies
in the face of the police.
I wouldn´t belive that.
I mean i am not so stressed but i think her life would fucked up now.
I can´t belive it. 

So i mean i don´t know why she does it.
So i can´t forget the words what she saied to the police. >.<
She never win respect for her lie. 

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

Check it out

Today i would meet up a good friend of me.
Today is a photo shoot.
I feel little bit tired but it is okay.
Yeah i think it is okay.

yeah check it out ^^
i really like my life.

so see you

Pictures for you

Yeah hello guys,
Long time not see.
So here are pictures just for you.
you can download this pictures,
if you like.

Just for you.

See ya